Thursday, January 7, 2010

Starting Fresh

Lets give this one more try...I tried this whole blog thing about 2 years ago. I kept up with it for a couple months and then got too busy and totally forgot about it. I forgot about it so much that I have know clue how to even log into it now that I'm ready start back up! So I decided to create a new blog and hopefully it will last :)

Things have changed quite a bit since my last go at this. 2 years ago I had started students teaching and had just gotten married. I am now in my 2nd year of teaching 5th grade at Norwalk Christian Academy and just finished clearing my credential. Matt & I have also just celebrated our 2 year anniversary on Tuesday. We have also gotten a puppy who is now 1 year old.

I have also been quite crafty this past year. I have always loved to creating things and I first started scrapbooking and making cards. In addition to those things I am currently in love with knitting and crocheting. Yes, I know, isn't that something older woman do?? Matt continues to remind me that I look like his Grandma, sitting on the couch at night knitting away, but I have no shame! Some projects I have completed are these adorable baby beanies & headbands. I have two special babies in my life, my cousin Annalisa's new baby Polly, and my friend Val's new baby Brooke. They are both so adorable and look equally cute in the things I make them which makes it even more fun! I will make sure to post pictures of all my projects as I complete them :)

Well, that wasn't so hard. My goal is to update at least once a week. So here's to a successful new year of blogging!

1 comment:

  1. Hey I just found your blog tonight!!
    I can't believe it's been 2 years already since you guys got married. Wow :)
    I'll keep checking back in to see what's new with you and Matt.
